Wednesday, April 29, 2015

The Gift of Encouragement by Lin Johnson

Lin's Lessons:
"The Gift of Encouragement"

To make (someone) more determined, hopeful or confident. . . . This is how Webster’s Dictionary defines the word encourage.

It is said that a word of encouragement during a failure is worth more than an hour of praise after success. No matter who and where we are, our lives will always have a need for encouragement. It acknowledges our efforts, supports our passions and validates our humanity.

At some point (often many points), in our lives, we seek the hope that encouraging words gives us. And at very pivotal times, it can be as necessary to our heart as oxygen is to our brain. The RIGHT word will revive us. It will drive us. We rest in the sweet savor of its strengthening power.

I remember a few years ago, I encountered someone who was facing an obstacle on their purpose road. They made a decision that made them feel like “This is it”. I distinctly remember one of the many conversations we had. In the midst of their tears, I said “you are still who God created you to be. That mistake doesn’t change your purpose.” Well, I didn’t give that conversation another thought. Years later, I ran into that person. As we began to converse, they said before I miss the opportunity, I wanted to say thank you. Of course, I replied, for what? They began to say that even with all of the support, prayers and encouragement they received during that period in their lives, what made the difference was the encouragement that I gifted them. They said it gave them the confidence to go on. It took me by surprise to say the least. But more importantly, I was grateful. Because, unbeknown to them, in that moment, I was
in need of encouragement. I am a firm believer that God does ALL things well. He allowed the very same words and person to pour back into me what I poured into them. And it was I, who walked away with renewed hope and encouraged to go on.

We often, unfortunately, THINK they’ll be okay but neglect to SAY you’ll be okay. We often overlook the difference between thinking they’ll win and telling them you can win.

Can you remember a time in your life when that material gift was nice but it didn’t make a difference? When gift of physical presence was always appreciated but it didn’t move you. But it was the gift of encouragement, the empowerment through a word that gave you strength.
For the believer, the Bible does this for us. God’s word, instruction and support is the CPR to our dying souls. Likewise, are our words to our brother at home with us, our sister on the phone miles away, the little kid next door or the stranger in the grocery store. Our words have power and when we make the deliberate choice to gift them to someone with remnants of love, we become change agents in their lives.

The Bible tells us that anxiety weighs down the heart but a kind word cheers it up (Proverbs 12:25NIV). God have given us the ability to make a difference through the words that we speak. Proverbs 25:11 says “A word fitly spoken is like apples of gold in pictures of silver” (KJV). When our words are formed as gifts of encouragement, given seasonably and applied properly, it adjust to the need of the person it’s spoken to and agrees with the character of the person speaking.

The gift of encouragement is free and renders no harmful consequence much like God’s unmerited grace towards us.

I will be the first to admit that it is not always an easy task to speak words of life to someone, especially when it is life that may have let us down. But it is our call to duty. Our individual responsibility to live out this divine assignment. Speaking life to anyone, including yourself, must be INTENTIONAL. It is a seed that always bears good fruit.

How will you be an encouragement to someone today? How will you encourage yourself?

My gift of encouragement to all of you:
You were created in God’s image and you are enough. He sees you in the spirit and He sees you perfectly. He considered you and called your name. Be confident in the faith. Be hopeful of your journey. I pray that you are strengthened by these words.

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Love Yourself? By Joy Wilson

Often times as singles we are advised to learn how to love ourselves before seeking the love of another. Take yourself to the movies. Treat yourself to dinner. Buy yourself some flowers. Tell yourself you're beautiful/handsome. Well, I've done all of these things, and yet it was never quite the answer. If you're supposed to  feel like you have reached some sort of singleness mastery level because you checked these off your list, well... I definitely did not! No matter how many times you punch the “Loving Me" card, it probably will not bring you the love you are looking for.

Where in the Bible does God instruct us, or even encourage us to love ourselves first? Doesn't the Word say “You shall love the Lord with all your heart, and with all your soul, and all your strength?" (Matthew 22:37) Throughout scripture we are admonished to love God first, deny ourselves, and even lay down our lives for friends. So where did all this “love yourself," come from?

The concept developed from the theory that if you truly love yourself, you will not tolerate anyone mistreating you, nor will you abuse others. Nice idea, but contrary to the Word. And I know plenty of people who love themselves, but are still very unhappy. Self-love cannot cure loneliness. Self-love cannot sustain you during your singleness. Self-love cannot heal your broken heart. Self-love cannot rescue you from a difficult relationship. Self-love is not strong enough to pull you out of an abusive or dangerous situation. Only God's love can do all of this.

I John 4:19 says “We love Him because He first loved us." He loved us FIRST. That is the key. You see the problem with loving yourself is you must first be loved by LOVE Himself...God IS love. How can you love yourself, or anybody else if you are not tapped into the endless source of love?
In John 15:4 Jesus said, Abide in Me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself, unless it abides in the vine, neither can you, unless you abide in Me.
You cannot love yourself unless you accept His love for you. His love is patient, kind, longsuffering, and fearless. You cannot give, even to yourself, what you have not been given.
God's love is the only love that can rescue you. So whether you are in a relationship or not, good or bad, God's love supersedes all problems and issues and at the same time, God's love bankrolls your life with abundance of peace, and joy. That same peace and joy you're supposed to feel sitting at the restaurant eating a fabulous yourself.

It's not loving yourself that makes the difference. It's knowing He loves you that does, truly. When you know that all He did was for you. When you know that you are a precious pearl to Him. When you know that he has orchestrated a symphony to play the sound track to the wonderful life he has planned for you. Then, you can love someone else because you are choosing to love them from a full love tank. Self-love cannot heal your emotional wounds and fill your love tank. You must surrender completely to God's love. Take it all in, although you are not even capable of grasping the depth of His love! When you accept God's love you begin to see your true value. Your value to Jesus is the foundation for loving yourself. Not some prideful, materialistic list of activities you do for yourself.
So...yes I take myself to the movies and treat myself to dinner. Not so that I can brag about loving myself. I do it when I want, if I want, just for the pure enjoyment. I only love me because He loves me. He loved me first.

Friday, April 17, 2015

Lin's Lessons by Lin Johnson

Lin's Lessons:
The Leaders's Ship

A leader doesn't have to announce themselves because their presence alone, renders the appropriate introduction.

Do you remember being in school, sitting in the class room for the first time, waiting for the teacher to come in? And when the teacher arrived, he or she appeared to be scanning the students before ever saying a word. It is because the moment a teacher steps into a classroom of children, they have the ability to identify who's leading the pack. There is an innate aura that comes from a natural born leader.

Sometimes, the person leading isn't even aware that they carry that characteristic. As children, the ability to lead must first be recognized. By young adulthood, the power to lead has begun to develop. As an adult the skill to lead is refined.

But regardless of when or how the leader in you begins to appear, there is always a responsibility that is sometimes joyful and light and often times, tiring and heavy. Similarly, like the cocoa skin you got from your Mom or the never-ending height you inherited from your Dad, there is nothing and I do repeat nothing that you could do to change the leader God created you to be. The only decision you make is how to use it wisely.

Wise leadership....saying it almost feels like an oxymoron and seems so far fetched in today's times. Does it still exists?

There was a time when it was easy to point out the good teacher, the moral abiding policeman or even the truth telling preacher. I am just of the belief that this does NOT have to be the days of ole.

As a leader, who has so often been doubtful about my propensity to lead, I have come to the conclusion that the greatest challenges aren't just about leading but more often than not, being assured of where am I "leading" to. However, being obedient to Christ by lending my ear to His voice of instruction, I have become confident in my walk and it has empowered the leader He created me to be. Through my relationship with Him, I have found this to be true, no leader leads alone. Good leaders are concerned about developing leaders and don't care much about having fans. You must have a set vision but the ability to adjust with the journey. Great leadership WILL test you. It will question your motive, push your patience and toughen your skin. Great leadership will teach you the difference between fruitful endevours and fruitless expeditions. It requires your commitment and transparency. It will evoke humility and truth. Sometimes it will reward you, often times it will not. But it won't kill you! Being a leader isn't for everybody or just anybody. It is for those who are willing to fight for others while sacrificing themselves. For those who know that it's never about looking down to see but looking over to help. It is for those who know that the job is the reward.

" A Leader's Journey"
An "efficient" Leader knows....that you must first be an effective follower.

A "true" Leader knows....NOT to say "go" but "come"

A "committed" Leader knows...... It's not about being fascinated with the journey but being faithful to the destination.

A "wise" Leader knows..... That the loss is not the focus but its lesson is what's fruitful

An "anointed" Leader knows...... that with God your steps are ordered but without God there is no place to go.

Leaders are not always in leadership and being in leadership is not indicative of being a leader. Jesus was the ultimate example of leading with a servants heart. He was dedicated to the plan: life for the follower, the instruction of Heaven and the cost of the call.
Are you a LEADER?

Isaiah 6:8
Also I heard the voice of the Lord saying, “Whom shall I send, and who will go for Us?” Then said I, “Here am I. Send me!”

Thursday, April 16, 2015

Bitter Like Naomi? By Tremayne Moore

Bitter Like Naomi?

This was on my spirit yesterday morning. So many times when we read Ruth, we're focusing on chapter 1 and verse 16; or on Ruth finding Boaz. Rarely do we talk about Naomi, and that's who we're going to talk about today. I believe this is going to set someone free who experienced a loss and is bitter as a result, but as Jessica Reedy said, you must believe it gets better.

In the first chapter of Ruth, we find that Naomi lost her husband to death. A few verses down, she lost her sons. See, when you're grieving, there's a strong tendency to push people away. That's what Naomi was trying to do with her daughter-in-laws. Now, those who have grieved before (or are currently grieving) can testify to what Naomi was doing. I want to encourage those who are grieving (or who need to grieve) to grieve. Granted, I know the loss of my father will come in stages; but anyway, Jesus said blessed are those who mourn for they shall be comforted.

Part of me wants to jump ahead to say something, but I'll refrain for now. When Naomi was pushing her daughter-in-laws away, Ruth was adamant in staying with Naomi. See, Naomi felt that this was the Lord's doing and that she was being punished. When Ruth & Naomi reached Bethlehem, Naomi wanted to be called Mara - which means bitter. Now I will say what I want to say. I know there are a lot of people who might be grieving (or covering their pain with a smile) either the dead or the living. What am I talking about?

You're grieving the loss of a spouse
You're grieving the breakup of a friendship, relationship, marriage
You're grieving the loss of a child
You're grieving the death of a dream
You're grieving a financial setback, bad investment deal.
You're grieving your childhood abuse, the pain yourself to endure.

And for some of you reading, you feel like Naomi and/or walking around with Mara as your nickname (and not realizing it). Believe me, I've walked around with Mara as my nickname so you're not alone. But it's time to get better - in His time. God doesn't want you bitter at the world because of what the enemy has done in your life. The past should not scar your future especially to the point you penalize the future due to your past. God has so much in store for you - the best is yet to come!

Of course, I can't end this blogpost here. There's one more thing that needs to be said: in Ruth 2:20, Naomi declared this to Ruth; "May he (Boaz) be blessed by the LORD, whose kindness has not forsaken the living or the dead!" What she's starting to understand is that God never forsakes those He's called. He's called you right where you are. You may feel bitter right now, but you can feel better once you allow the grieving process to run its course.


The Mayne Man

Monday, April 13, 2015

3 Things You Can Do To Turn 40 Into 30! by James Thomas

3 THINGS YOU CAN DO TO TURN 40 INTO 30! By James Thomas

It’s 6am. As you awake to get ready for your work day, you get out of bed and walk to the bathroom. Turn the lights on and yawn one more time just to wake up a bit more. You look at yourself in the mirror and say, “Man, another gray hair.” You look at your eyes. They look older to you, a little bit more…dull. Crow’s feet are more noticeable. You take a step back, look at what used to be a flat stomach. “What happened to me,” you whisper to yourself. “I used to be an athlete, I used to be a stud!” 

Seems like no matter how much sleep you get, you’re always tired. Your sex drive ain’t what it used to be. Your confidence is shot. You used to look like you were built for battle. Now yo'u just bulge out on all sides. So how do you get it back? How do you unleash the inner warrior? Here are 3 THINGS YOU MUST DO in order to get your sexy back.

1. Move from Motivation to Inspiration
You can do anything you set your mind to. But honestly, throughout the course of working for 8 hours, coming home to be a dad and spouse, your mind just wants to relax right? Then you see a fitness infomercial and get fired up to get exercising. I used to deal with this struggle. One minute I was up ready to burn every calorie in my body, the next minute you couldn’t get me off the couch from watching “LOST.” Motivation isn’t bad, but it’s like putting gas in a car. Once you run out, you have to put more in. When you’re motivated. You start, then stop. You start, stop. You start, then finally you stop period. When you’re INSPIRED you don’t have reasons because all you want is results and you’ll do whatever it takes to get them. 

2. Get Your Nutrition Up To Speed
Anytime I train a person, I ask them a series of questions. I remember setting up a training session with this one guy and before I could even ask a question, he gave me a list of, “what I ain’t gon’ do’s!” He says, “I’m not eating any salads, spinach, fruits. I don’t really like water, and I’m not giving up fried chicken!” Crazy right? Look, I understand food is the hardest part of fitness to get under control. But without it you’ll be doing your spin classes in vain. Remember the general rule of thumb about health and fitness. 80% nutrition, 20% exercise.

3. Get Physical
I know there are a million and one workouts and exercise plans being marketed every day. From stay-at-home workouts, to going to the gym, to putting on fat reducing clothes! Whatever you choose to do, just stick to it. Most people fail or stay on the start-stop train so long they never see any real results. If you're not sure what to do consult a personal trainer or fitness coach. Someone who can help guide and coach to success.