Friday, April 17, 2015

Lin's Lessons by Lin Johnson

Lin's Lessons:
The Leaders's Ship

A leader doesn't have to announce themselves because their presence alone, renders the appropriate introduction.

Do you remember being in school, sitting in the class room for the first time, waiting for the teacher to come in? And when the teacher arrived, he or she appeared to be scanning the students before ever saying a word. It is because the moment a teacher steps into a classroom of children, they have the ability to identify who's leading the pack. There is an innate aura that comes from a natural born leader.

Sometimes, the person leading isn't even aware that they carry that characteristic. As children, the ability to lead must first be recognized. By young adulthood, the power to lead has begun to develop. As an adult the skill to lead is refined.

But regardless of when or how the leader in you begins to appear, there is always a responsibility that is sometimes joyful and light and often times, tiring and heavy. Similarly, like the cocoa skin you got from your Mom or the never-ending height you inherited from your Dad, there is nothing and I do repeat nothing that you could do to change the leader God created you to be. The only decision you make is how to use it wisely.

Wise leadership....saying it almost feels like an oxymoron and seems so far fetched in today's times. Does it still exists?

There was a time when it was easy to point out the good teacher, the moral abiding policeman or even the truth telling preacher. I am just of the belief that this does NOT have to be the days of ole.

As a leader, who has so often been doubtful about my propensity to lead, I have come to the conclusion that the greatest challenges aren't just about leading but more often than not, being assured of where am I "leading" to. However, being obedient to Christ by lending my ear to His voice of instruction, I have become confident in my walk and it has empowered the leader He created me to be. Through my relationship with Him, I have found this to be true, no leader leads alone. Good leaders are concerned about developing leaders and don't care much about having fans. You must have a set vision but the ability to adjust with the journey. Great leadership WILL test you. It will question your motive, push your patience and toughen your skin. Great leadership will teach you the difference between fruitful endevours and fruitless expeditions. It requires your commitment and transparency. It will evoke humility and truth. Sometimes it will reward you, often times it will not. But it won't kill you! Being a leader isn't for everybody or just anybody. It is for those who are willing to fight for others while sacrificing themselves. For those who know that it's never about looking down to see but looking over to help. It is for those who know that the job is the reward.

" A Leader's Journey"
An "efficient" Leader knows....that you must first be an effective follower.

A "true" Leader knows....NOT to say "go" but "come"

A "committed" Leader knows...... It's not about being fascinated with the journey but being faithful to the destination.

A "wise" Leader knows..... That the loss is not the focus but its lesson is what's fruitful

An "anointed" Leader knows...... that with God your steps are ordered but without God there is no place to go.

Leaders are not always in leadership and being in leadership is not indicative of being a leader. Jesus was the ultimate example of leading with a servants heart. He was dedicated to the plan: life for the follower, the instruction of Heaven and the cost of the call.
Are you a LEADER?

Isaiah 6:8
Also I heard the voice of the Lord saying, “Whom shall I send, and who will go for Us?” Then said I, “Here am I. Send me!”

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